
tox's dreams

mainly by date originally recorded. most of these will be copy pasted from where i first writ about them (discord mostly).


i had a nightmare
me and a group of other people went into the cellar of a building, it was quite big
there were plywood walls that didnt reach the ceiling that formed a maze inside it
there was no light in it either
so we had to carry torches
the start of the maze just went along the outside walls of the cellar to a dead end
i think we reached the dead end and there might have been something there, but we turned back
we tried to look over the plywood walls for the first time and saw the whole maze inside
i thought i saw a moving black shape near the entrance to the cellar too
in the ceiling
then something started running at us from the dead end
i gave the torch i was holding to someone else because it was big enough to really hit it with
the shape near the entrance was another one of these creatures and it ran towards me extremely fast
i think it had a spike or horn on its head
it ran straight into my neck and i woke up as soon as it touched me.


i had a dream that i broke my thumbnail :(


i had a hom related dream
not really that much bc there was a lot of other stuff
i found some kind of hidden clue in hom that led to a website with like secret info about it
it wasnt even what i was focussed on doing (which i can’t remember), i was looking on it for info on something relatwd to my school or something like that
then i had a dream that i was on a beach with people on it, and me and two other people were running from someone who was trying to throw dogshit at us
i was copying cassettes i think. i had to connect one of them to a sega megadrive cartridge for some reason.


i think i dreamt i was on a submarine
i had my pc there
then i tried to troll someone by tampering their sandwich
i forgot how.


i dreamt that i went to an israeli settlement, on holiday (??????????????????)
i pointed out to my family in the dream how stupid it was to go on holiday in an active war zone
the village i went to was really romanian themed for some reason
they had romanian flags everywhere
it was still israeli tho, there were prisoners, including children, standing in a square to the side of a road
we went into a poorly lit restaurant and that’s as far as i can remember.


i dreamt that i saw a train with all the tops and sides of the carriages removed, and it was all red leather benches or beds
the driver was there, and he had a few carriages just for sleeping in behind the locomotive, which was at the backmof the train
i dreamt about a dry sandy place with two massive arches
one of them had been recently modified and made smaller, and there was a hole dug out of a bit of it
the entrance to this area was a low doorway
the modifications to increase the ground level were done by elon musk?
the whole place was on the side of a mountain, and it was a few hundred metres long.


i think i had a dream this morning that i was at the entrance to my old school
i like that place bc it has a good view of the castle in my village
i also dreamt something about dropping my phone down an access stairwell at a hospital i think
i had another dream i cant remember much of
only that it was outside, the sky was grey, and maybe the ground was a bit muddy.


i just dreamed about a visual novel
it might have had glt characters in it
then there was a woman whose job was mainly cleaning or something in this weird scientific facility
and a bit of something else i forgot
it had crazy brutalist architecture and a massive pool with like a concrete island in the middle
anyway then she was in a poorly lit room with a bloke talking to her, and they were both eating cake, sitting opposite each other on a table
what was strange was that they were acting as each other, like they were performing a script
apparently it was to trick a machine transcription system and get the woman out of trouble or something
then i had another dream
im not sure what came before or after really
i dreamed that i was on a bus with a bunch of people, mainly who i went to school with
i realised i was dreaming and i tried to open up the side of the bus with my mind to get out
and it didn’t work, so i “woke up”
then i was in my bed and my cats were with me
then there was a sound like an aeroplane passing over me, that kept getting louder
then i saw fireworks go off through the windows
so many it took up the whole sky i could see, and i backed up against my door opposite the windows
it got so loud and bright i covered my ears and i thought i was dead, then i actually woke up.
i remember something else that happened earlier at some point
i had an air bed that was somehow turned inside out and had my phone and stuff inside it
so i tried to turn it right way out, and the air coming out of it apparently had no oxygen in it because i felt light headed and had to lie down when i let a lot of it out.


i had a dream that people in some villages were dying or something, and that there were being controlled by a slug that pretended to be a human by hiding in one particular body’s mouth and posessing it
the slug’s human body could float above everyone, and it controlled them by pulling individual strands of their hair (remotely?)


i had a dream that i went into my cellar (i dont have one) to smoke weed, but i had to drop it and do something before i could start.


i had a dream that i was playing a puzzle game where you move these glowing dots and rectangles from one wall to places in another wall that they fit into
there was another part to the puzzle i forgot
then when i completed a part of it, there was a space alien king who came in and met with queen victoria, all out of nowhere, and they signed a treaty to have military alliance.


i had a dream about an extremely repetitive lesbian visual novel
i cant remember much even tho i just had it
there were only two people in it at all, either one or both were trans
there was a cave the protagonist went in to get her hrt
the same background was used for everything tho
all the character art and the background might have been made in ms paint.


i just had a dream that there was an extra hom in homunculus. her top half was like a normal human surrounded by butterflies, and blending in with what's behind her like a chameleon. her bottom half had long locks of pink fur.


i had a dream about nelly from hom. it was just a still image of her with nothing else at all. i don't have these still image dreams often.


i had a dream that i was trying to read something and it looked like french so i couldn't, and all this was as i was watching a giant rat run toward me from under my bed
i dreampt some things about being in a one story house in a row of them on a hill side
i helped two other people do something; like passing them something thru a window, but i forgot
i dreamed something about that film “polar express” too
apparently the boy and the conductor in it had names like “jimro” and “jury” or something


i had a dream that was lesbian
i dont remember much tho


i had a dream that me and my family had to evacuate our house because there was a mass shooter going about nearby


i had a dream that i was on some planet or space station amd fighting people on it
it was a videogame


i dreamt about ants and termites being on me and biting me


last night i think i had a dream that was yuri......
but i cant remember


i had a dream a few weeks ago where i smoked weed
i just remembered it


i dreamt that i was going through the countryside on a bus or something
a woman explained to me how 45 years ago she was made in a vat in an underground laboratory under the fields and put under inhumane experiments


i dreamt that i was in something like a ynfg, but i can't remember much of it


i dreamt that i was in the cab of a train with the driver, and it crashed into a single carriage that was on the track for some reason, but the driver slowed it down to not collide too hard
then i think the driver left and i took some pictures with my phone


last night when i was falling asleep i saw an image of a hedge, with a trees at both sides behind it, or something like that. and in the sky in the middle, there was what looked like the sun, but completely smeared about the sky
it was shaped like a thin cloud really, but it was too golden and white to be one


i had a dream that i was in an old mansion in the countryside with a few other people in it. apparently it was a game?
i went outside and it was really beautiful
i nearly got lost, but an angel pointed me back
i constantly had a feeling that something bad would happen eventually
it was a normal humanoid angel
well idk if even an angel, since i think the dream was inspired by haibane renmei


i had a dream that i was playing yume nikki and i walked into a new area
apparently, there was this place that looked like the outside of a petrol station in normal yume nikki, but i walked inside it, which isnt in the normal game
and then i thought i was playing a modded version
i think poniko was in my dream too


i had a dream where i signed up to this hunger games type of thing (maybe as a joke). i didnt believe it was real so i didnt take it seriously. i think i was in some underground place at first. i went out to the game starting location and started thinking of how to escape when the game would start. then i just ran off before it even began.
i think the game was actually a simulation, so i didnt think i would die. i just thought it would be painful


i dreamt that i was at some kinda knockoff hogwarts to learn how to do magic
the dormatories had everyone in a class or year group or something sleeping on the floor in a long but kinda narrow room
in the toilets there were some really annoying lower years just hanging out in there
literally short enough to walk thru my legs


i had a dream involving jerma producing a multicoloured biohazard expanding foam that gets stuck to people permanently. also there was a femboy
literally why am i dreaming stuff like this


i dreamt about a bridge collapsing


i just had a dream that i was at some kinda event with tons of people in costumes
it was in a school auditorium and elon musk was there


i had a dream where i was in some kinda vr thing like vrchat
it was like a school kinda
there were some doors which went into special rooms that were kinda like really big lockers
there was a physics bug where one player saw objrcts fall different ways to what other players saw
also i had a dream that a fire got a bit out of control and started burning a shed full of old stuff and electronics i own
so i poured water on it


i had a dream about some recording from a place that had been destroyed through bombing
there were lots of destroyed buildings
the recording crew eventually crashed their car into something
they all got out of the car
and the guy holding the camera picked up two of these things off the floor
they looked like big insect wings made from cracked glass
maybe 5cm across
he held them together and fucking annihilated the skin on his fingertips because they cut it somehow
then they went to this forest area where some people were held in an enclosure
they’d been given something which paralysed their lower halves so they could be kept as slaves


i had a dream that my great grandmother had an old pc in her bedroom and keyboards in her drawers
i dont remember much else


i had a dream that i was in a house with a few other people in it
an i looked thru a window just to the right of me when i was sitting down facing away from a wall
i saw a really beautiful city filled with domes in the distance
my classmate from college was sitting in front of the window
it was evening and the sky looked amazing


i had a dream that i was having a shower and there was a jug of oobleck on the floor
it was a few days old so i was worried ablut it rotting and smelling bad


i just had a dream that was of a game
it was like a sm64 romhack where lord farquaad from shrek was the main character
and the place outside the castle was like the “nexus” area instead of the castle
there was a yellowish pond
and then i had another dream
i think it was about a comic or an animation or something
where a woman went into a forest and met another woman and they fought of crazed animals attacking them
it was just birds and rodents until a small bear attacked them
the fight lasted a while but then i woke up
they had to kill them by beheading them with a broken sword
or maybe there were two
one of them didnt have the crossguard thingy


i had a dream where i was playing games on an old ass iphone
3gs or something


i had a dream where i played pan pipes
i dont remember much else
i think some of it had something to do with yume nikki


this morning i had a dream that the king was launching rockets and torpedoes at me from a battle ship
and i was on an island with a small jungle on it
they all detonated way short of getting close to me though
~~(in more detail...)~~
i had a dream where i think the queen was still alive
there was a naval ship in front of me to the right
and a small island in the front left
and i was on an island that seemed kinda big
the part around the coast i was on was just short grass
and flat
but a bit inland it increased in elevation and there were enormous tall trees everywhere
so i think the dream was about me insulting the king or queen and them launching torpedoes and missiles
which all detonated way before they reached my island
anyway they started to hit closer i think
and i decided to run into the forested part
i thought they were gonna start using more powerful missiles too
there were roots in the ground that i pulled myself up the incline with
all the ground looked like people walked on it a lot
but nobody elso was with me
before that i dreamt something about there being ice in a forest

i just had a dream about making drugs
and one about going to the space station for estrogen


i had a dream where i went into a grocery shop and they were giving away free sandwiches and money
so i immediately took a sandwich and the biggest coin on the pile they had
which was an old crown coin
apparently i wasnt supposed to take it
when i fell asleep last night i dreamt that i ate a ton of fucking haribos
and it made my teeth hurt


i had a dream where a fish that went extinct millions of years ago somehow wrote its own wikipedia article
also i dreamt that i was on a spaceship and a meteoroid came thru the invisible forcefield that held the air in on the ceiling
i went down to see it but there were only small fragments
there were tons of them
in what looked like a pool
i think a lot of them were from different meteoroids
they were metallic and were shaped kinda like snail shells
but they were really irregular


i just had a dream where i was playing yume nikki but also inside the game
there was this weird mechanical looking small creature
and there was a book made from thin metal tablets tied together
with weird symbols written on it
the creature seemed to be able to read them
then some enemies came and i ran away
when i went back to that place, the creature was gone
then i had another dream about how donald trump and his brothers had their careers as athletes fail
the sport they were playing looked like baseball but it also used tennis rackets
once two of donald’s brothers hit both their rackets together so hard they broke their hands
somehow it was so bad that some children in the area died, literally from cringe or something
also donald looked like a pirate for some reason
and he had long black hair


i had a dream that i was in someone else’s dream just this morning
weird that i dream about dreaming but don’t become lucid



i had a dream that i was on holiday in turkey and there was an earthquake and everyone but me evacuated the room i was in
which is strange, since my dreams are rarely related to real world events like that
~~(in more detail...)~~
i dreamt that i was on holiday in turkey and there was an earthquake
the room i was in had a big fish tank in it
everoyone else evacuated except me
i think i remember something before that about minecraft modding or my mum having an old early 2000s phone
anyway so suddenly i was on large boat with my family
going along a river
and i asked what a mountain i saw was called
and my stupid ass brother who had been here before didnt know


i think i had a dream where i took a picture of a really beautiful sky


i had a dream where some people were showing me on their phones a really low quality film they recorded together in 2011
then i dreamt about super intelligent cats going around drinking coffee


i had a crazy dream about like
thomas the tank engine lore
trains running districts?
then i rolled or flew down a road on a hill
it was summer
the road was light grey or white
same with the houses around it
i was thinking something about “sovietwave” and also american circumcision rates for some reason
then at the bottom of the hill i came out into this area
surrounded by walled off gardens
there was a path leading thru a wall to my right
and it led to a swimming pool
so then somehow i started almost flying and jumping between pools
and one of the pools was prince harry’s


i had a cool dream
i was back at school sitting in the dining hall with my friend chris
i think they were drawing or writing something on some paper
i was literally thinking something about reconstructing proto celtic morphology forwards in time or something
i went outside and saw this girl
i dont think she ever said her name
anyway i eventually spoke to her about something and then we both went inside and sat with my friend
and i told her she reminded me of a dog
also she said something to someone else at that point maybe
and the dream ended
then i had another dream where i started off at my mum’s house
and for some reason the next thing i can remember is that i was walking up to my grandparents’ house in my pyjamas when it was past midnight
i don’t remember the road having any pavement at the side even tho it does in real life
somehow i could barely walk forwards
and i was scared that a motorbike or a car would drive past me
i managed to pull myself forwards by holding onto the neighbours’ garden walls
and then i got in, where everyone was still up and waiting for me
i went into the living room and looked out the window and there was a pile of papers i wrote on in school
in the garden


i had a dream about a documentary or something about these animals called polypods
or something like that
they were like the biggest or strongest creatures in existence
there was a guy who went into this massive cavern deep underground with lava at the bottom
and there were a few creatures there that could talk
and one giant one that looked like a leg
and his mum was watching a live feed of the underground station he was at
and then i started looking at old ass websites on internet archive
and i saw this version of wikipedia that seemed flash based


i just had a weird ass dream
it was literally about a david lynch film
a guy living in an unpoulated dream world trying to build a rocket to launch an old television into the sky
maybe with some other people’s help, but they disappear near the end
and he’s trying to find his father
his dad is a train conductor or something
there’s nobody who goes on the trains tho


anyway i just had a dream where i was in some kinda wildlife museum
i met someone i knew
i forgot who it was
and at one point i think i looked at an old website on an old computer


i had a dream where i was smelting crisps in my living room to get gold from them


i had a dream where i was on some caribbean island


i had a dream where i was in some kind of mountainous place going on a path on a mountain


i had a dream that i was exploring a dark town for some reason
and there were people there trying to get me


i just had a dream about living in a place (it looked like a school but i think it was a spaceship) where humanoid robots ran everything
there was some kinda uprising against them and eventually the people who were fighting them concentrated in the cafeteria
they were mostly old people for some reason
the robots all looked the same as humans, but they always had blond hair
there was one robot woman in the cafeteria sitting at a desk who told me something in a foreign language
then she translated it as something like “artificial lips cause an inability to remember the future in humans around us”


i had a dream about how minecraft falling physics were invented by a chinese woman
i also had one about an assembly at school where they kept telling us to leave and then they showed something to those that didnt
i had another one about a woman who asked me if i liked her sink. her house looked like she was just moving into it and there were piles of books on the floor
somehow the woman seemed sinister
i think they were her boyfriend’s or son’s books


i just had a dream where i had some kind of super fast car that could also fly maybe
i flew it and crashed it into my garden and survived somehow


also i drempt that i took my diary into a shower (or maybe it was rain) and all the writing in it smudged


i just had the craziest dream
it was about a manga, that i also experienced the plot of first person
i cant remember it well
near the end i cut thru an enemy with a weird energy katana, and it did that trope where it takes 5 seconds for them to fall apart
except i think she exploded?
then it cut to a screen saying the human population of the galaxy was 5 billion or something
the whole plot of the “manga” was insane and i loved it
i wish i could remember it better
it was in like a museum or something
that’s why there was a katana just lying about


i had a dream about a girl
i think i was her, but she wasnt me
she was bleeding and injured somehow
she was monochrome except her blood
my friend on discord: Yume Nikki white dessert B
yeah it reminds me of that
the surroundings were black mostly
i think she was stabbed or shot
i dont remember much of it


i just dremt about a house that moved somehow as you got closer to it. the space around it warped to put it in the right place somehow. there were one or two streams running down next to it. when the house had moved, they flowed through some flooded houses further down instead of the actual bottom of their streams. i also remember something about a book, and having to take something to do with it to a library, and some people were looking for me because of it. when i’d brought the thing to the library, i gained a magic power with something to do with fire. eventually, everything was half on fire because if it. then me and some other people tried to destroy this “antenna” thing, which was just a machine on the ground. at the end of the dream i just ran around a track on the field in front of where the house was.



i also just had a dream
let's just say it had some weird bolshevist content involving elon musk


i had a dream about two or three days ago. it was on a large ship. the main characters were two women. the setting was fanasy, so there were fairies on the ship. i think i started with the women talking to some children. i remember there was gold on the floor. the ship was bombed and one of the girls went up a deck, but came back down because of the fire. there was a scene where the king and queen left on a liferaft.

older undated dreams

when i was a kid i had a dream where i walked upstairs into a bedroom and it was lit purple inside and there was an old man sitting up in bed.